High hopes for new government – President’s comment

Local Government Association of Northern Territory President, Damien Ryan.

The election of the Federal Government on 7 September 2013 presents some laudable opportunities for regional Australia.  All councils in the Northern Territory are keen to see these translated into long lasting benefits for their communities.

The government’s election platforms for developing Northern Australia, commencing its ‘Bridges to Recovery’ program and continuing its commitment to the current Roads to Recovery program are particularly welcome.  The Prime Minister, the Hon Tony Abbott MP, has indicated he will build infrastructure, and with the Federal Government presenting such a strong focus on it, councils across the Northern Territory are keen to learn more about the government’s plans.

The announcement made by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Warren Truss MP, during the election campaign for funding the Outback Way (Australia’s longest shortcut!) has special interest for a number of Northern Territory councils.  His commitment of $11 million per year for three years links Perth to Cairns.   It will mean for the Northern Territory improvements to the highways that exit Queensland, pass through Alice Springs and enter Western Australia. 

Apart from anything else the government has announced or is yet to inform communities about, this project alone offers contributions that will have lasting effects principally in the form of improved road infrastructure and reductions in journeys that involve road travel between the East and West of Australia.

The Deputy Prime Minister has been invited to the National Local Roads and Transport Congress which is being held in Alice Springs on 13—14 November 2013 and convened by the Australian Local Government Association.  It is anticipated Deputy Prime Minister Truss will provide delegates with more details of the government’s new infrastructure initiatives including its proposed ‘Bridges to Recovery’ program. As President of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory I encourage all councils to attend this important event.