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First female mayor for Cassowary Coast

Cassowary Coast Regional Council has welcomed the region’s first female Mayor Teresa Millwood following the Queensland Local Government elections late last month. The council has...

Pilings adding foundations for Lake Pontoon

Piling works for the Lake Boga Floating Pontoon has began in mid March, marking a significant milestone in the renovation project. Swan Hill Council Director...

Pennisi is out

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi was not returned following the 2024 Local Government Election but was full of gratitude and thanks following his election...

Having a ball quite the tradition at the Hill

Nominations are now open for young ladies looking to make their debut at this year's Broken Hill Civic Ball. The Civic Ball is one of...

Community safety a priority

Town of Claremont’s Community Safety Officers play a valuable role in the community and help to provide a safe environment for all residents and...

Centre a boon for tourism

Lachlan Shire Council has a new and improved Freight Logistics and Visitors Information Centre, located in the “Utes in the Paddock” precinct Condobolin. Opened in...

Time running out for fair increase – ALGA

Time is running out for the Federal Government to deliver on its pre-election promise of “fair increases” to Financial Assistance Grants to Australia’s 537...

Preparation underway for Qld elections

More than 1400 candidates have put their hands up to champion their communities, nominating to stand for mayor or councillor at the March 16...

Grey nomads love it

The township of Thallon has been recognised for its charm and character as a sought-after tourist destination becoming a two-time 2023 Grey Nomad Awards...

Morale boost from Governor visit

The City of Logan's super-sized storm response has been given a morale boost from the Governor of Queensland. Her Excellency, the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young...

Local governments set to welcome new gap closing initiative

A new $707 million program is set to close the gap in employment outcomes in remote Australia and create 3,000 jobs across the region....

Major funding boost for country housing

Almost 24,000 new regional homes are set to be delivered across 16 mainly country NSW council areas thanks to a NSW Government scheme. The...

Plan welcomed by SA

LGA South Australia has welcomed the move from the Hon Frank Pangallo MLC to introduce legislation that will remove a 25-year rates holiday for...