Chief Minister, Kate Carnell, said that her Government is keen to promote the national capital in the context of the broader region. “We are committed to the sustainable development and management of the Australian Capital Region,” she said.
The Australian Capital Region (ACR) comprises the ACT and the surrounding 17 Councils. They include Bega Valley, Bombala, Boorowa, Cooma Monaro, Crookwell, Eurobodalla, Goulburn, Gunning, Harden, Mulwaree, Queanbeyan, Snowy River, Tallaganda, Tumut, Yarrowlumla, Yass and Young.
The ACT works closely with the Commonwealth and New South Wales Governments and the 17 local Councils to achieve sustainable development goals.
“It has been interesting to watch the change as the Councils and the ACT Government began working together,” Kate Carnell. “Initial apprehension has now been replaced by mutual trust, with the ACT seen as a regional leader.
“We have the resources to assist neighbouring Councils on a number of fronts, including telemedicine through the Canberra Hospital to assist local hospitals to have access to specialist treatment.
“Economic development initiatives and job creation schemes, as well as environmental planning, are just some of the opportunities for cooperation on a regional basis.
“We have many common interests that do not relate to lines on a map. There will, of course, be some differences but there are many more common things.”
A key mechanism which enables government leaders of the Australian Capital Region (ACR) to meet regularly to consider issues involving the management and development of the region is the Regional Leaders Forum (RLF).
Meeting three times per year, the Forum provides a means for exchanging ideas and facilitates common decision making in the areas of regional development, resource management and environmental management. Chaired by the ACT Chief Minister, the Forum comprises Mayors of the surrounding seventeen Councils and the Chair of the Australian Capital Region Development Council (ACRDC).
Some of the Forum’s key achievements to date include the following.
€ The renaming of the region to the Australian Capital Region.
€ Completion of a regional State of the Environment Report.
€ Development and release of a regional business prospectus.
€ Agreement to prepare a regional business data base.
€ Release of the Integrated Local Area Planning document, a joint ACT/ Queanbeyan City Council project,
which provides guidelines for cross border planning.
Cooperation also occurs in the areas of economic development, environmental management and tourism. This has brought major advantages to all players involved.
In 1994, the Australian Capital Region Development Council (ACRDC) was established to facilitate sustainable economic development, new job opportunities and further investment in the Australian Capital Region.
Jointly funded by both the NSW and ACT Governments, this Council promotes economic development through strategic approaches to industry and infrastructure development, regional coordination and specific projects.
Members of the Council have a wide range of business and community experience in the Australian Capital Region. They are nominated by both the NSW and ACT Governments.
Current projects include a comprehensive review of road transport priorities in the Australian Capital Region; a Regional Telecommunications Development Strategy; and a Regional Leadership Program aimed at increasing the skills base of potential regional leaders both in business and Local Government.