Managing in a competitive environment

The General Management Committee, comprising the Chief Executive Officer and five Managers, is responsible for formulating policy, implementing strategic initiatives and evaluating the City’s progress. On a weekly basis, this Committee oversees day to day operations including the service review and performance indicators. It also deals with specific issues relating to human resources and public relations. Council’s organisational structure is based on a purchaser/provider model.

Purchaser Group

This Group is responsible for identifying needs, developing options and selecting solutions that balance the needs of the community, economy and environment. The Group does not deliver services itself, but contracts with internal or external providers to meet community requirements.

It is responsible for planning the following.

  • Delivery of facilities and services for the community.
  • Reviewing Council’s Development Plan and land use planning.
  • Encouraging economic growth and job opportunities.
  • Conservation and sustainable use of the environment.

The Purchaser Group translate these plans into specifications and standards for services and facilities. Preparation of documentation for tendering and managing the tender process, managing the contracts when let and developing and monitoring performance measurement systems, are all handled by the Purchaser Group.

Provider Group

This Group delivers services and products to external customers, on behalf of the Purchaser Group.

Key functions of this Group include the following.

  • Bidding for tendered work or negotiating the provision of a service/product according to set specifications and standards.
  • Providing and managing the service/product.
  • Monitoring the quality and cost.
  • Reporting to the purchaser.

The Provider Group is divided into separate service delivery units. The relationship between the Purchaser and Provider is regulated by contractual arrangements and by monitoring and reporting of performance. This ensures that the Purchasing Group will not be compromised through close involvement with inhouse providers, and that providers are able to operate in a business environment.