Engineering synthetic sporting surfaces*

The effects of prolonged drought conditions and recent rainfalls have had a negative impact on the quality and utilisation of natural turf sporting facilities throughout Australia. As a result, many councils are now embracing synthetic sporting surfaces as a reliable alternative and ‘all-weather’ option.

Dalton Consulting Engineers (DCE) is an Australian civil engineering consultancy with core expertise in the provision of civil design, project management and construction surveillance services for synthetic sports facilities.  By combining the engineering and financial imperatives for sporting facilities with the necessary infrastructure requirements, DCE assists councils, schools and sporting associations across Australia by providing extensive, independent knowledge and project experience.

In June 2013, DCE Director Tony Obouhoff was asked to speak at the National Synthetic Surfaces Conference in Sydney on two separate topics; ‘Planning for Design – The importance of civil engineering design to meet the specific needs of the ground’ and ‘Procurement – Built to specification or Design & Construct’. The key outcome of these presentations was that in order to ensure the success and longevity of a synthetic surface facility, it is important to be cognisant of all the relevant engineering constraints.

DCE’s project management of synthetic projects ensures you are provided with an independent review of tender submissions and expert construction management to ensure a high standard of construction is met. DCE is not an expert in synthetic surfaces (carpets). That is left to the manufacturers. Our engineers and project managers know what is available and what works. Working closely with councils and sporting associations, DCE can ensure the best design for longevity of your sporting facilities.

For more information on DCE please visit

*Copy supplied by DCE