Doing better business with latest IT

Delatite Shire Council, in Victoria’s north east, is in the process of radically improving the way it does business by utilising the latest in information technology. Chief Executive Officer, Rob Hauser said that the application of state of the art technology was critical to Council’s ability to manage with reduced resources.

“The Information Technology strategy is based on the need to provide effective communication, accurate and timely financial information and excellent customer service,” he said.

“Council Offices in Benalla and Mansfield, as well as Council depots and outstations, are now connected through a wide area network. Extensive use is made of email between the various centres. Our task is to make the best use of the technology by fostering an internal environment in which staff embrace the new technology and the advantages it brings.”

Delatite Shire Council has recently purchased and installed a Stowe Computing System and has embarked on a comprehensive program of training. Graham Martin, Manager Local Government for Stowe Computing Australia, said that Delatite now has technology the equivalent to many of the much larger metropolitan Councils.

“This technology is now available at a price affordable by Local Government in regional areas,” Graham Martin said. “It provides ease of operation to make the most of limited resources, in a way that ensures reliability and data protection. The software is designed for Local Government and anticipates future developments and the growth of business units.

“I was very impressed with the dedication of the Delatite team. They have put in many long hours of work, above and beyond the call of duty, into the new system.”

In an effort to provide better customer service, an action monitoring system, based on TRIM, has been implemented. The system will enable Council to action and track via computer, all requests, whether they be made via the phone, mail or in person at the counter or at one of our community consultation meetings.

Rob Hauser said that effective action monitoring is vital if Council is to meet its customer service aims.

“Councillors must feel assured that requests made to Officers will be dealt with efficiently,” he said. “The challenge for Council in the future will be to maximise the potential of the information technology and ensure that the systems are continuously improved.”

For further information contact Judy Dixon, telephone (03) 5760 2668.