Skilled for change

Since 1988, Gosford City Council’s Water and Sewerage Sections have been running a staff development program. The Program’s aim was to produce a pool of experienced staff, at various levels of the organisation. These positions could then be drawn upon to fill senior relief positions or for special projects.

Following major workplace reforms resulting from new Legislation and Awards and the introduction of water industry national competency standards, the staff development program was reviewed and extensively modified during 1995.

The program now focuses on quality/best practice, empowerment of employees and training to meet the new national competency standards.

Aptly titled ‘Watershed’, derived from the Macquarie Dictionary definition ‘a turning point, a crucial event or time in a career, venture’, as well as its relevance to the water industry, the program aims to achieve substantial increases in efficiencies and effectiveness.

The Program provides a vehicle to remove outdated work practices, identify performance indicators and benchmarks and develop a culture of quality, continuous improvement and accountability, Watershed also assists staff to attain skills and knowledge requirements to meet the national competency standards.

The Program was established with a vision of ‘within three years develop a water and sewerage organisation that rewards its members for delivering services that are fit for the purpose required by our customers’.

The program is one of change, removing demarcation barriers, empowering workers and building quality into all jobs. Key aspects of the program are the appointment of two Quality Officers and the training of a broad range of staff. The Quality Officers’ positions are filled on a rotating basis for a four month period. Each Quality Officer completes a six day training program.

A specific project is then developed by each Officer based on their area of expertise and knowledge. The projects also involve facilitating a review of existing work practices and procedures by groups of staff. The overall focus is to identify opportunities for improvement, establish performance measures and foster positive change within the organisation.

Watershed has generated interest from other areas at Gosford City Council and its concepts have been successfully adapted to other work areas, including the Finance Section.

For further information contact Niel Jacobsen, Watershed Coordinator, telephone (043) 25 8116.