Preparing for a growing population

With an anticipated population growth of 83 percent between now and 2011, the Shire of Maroochy in Queensland is determined to be prepared. In just 16 years, it is predicted an extra 86,000 people will need to be accommodated.

In April, Local Government and Planning Minister Di McCauley presented Mayor Don Culley with a cheque for $60,000 earmarked for an Economic Development Plan. This is in line with Maroochydore’s ‘Key Regional Centre’ status in the SEQ 2001 Regional Framework for Growth Management. Council will match the State grant providing a total of $120,000 for the Plan.

“The Economic Development Plan will aim to secure Maroochydore as the pre eminent urban centre on the Sunshine Coast, incorporating a broad range of retail, commercial, government, residential, cultural and leisure activities, ensuring a strong employment base for the Maroochy area,” Cr Culley said.

“It is vital that the increasing population of the Sunshine Coast has good access to services and facilities, and to do so that development will need to be carefully planned.”

To achieve this, the following three areas have been earmarked for future growth, Maroochydore, Mooloolaba and Buderim Village. Studies have been carried out in these areas as part of Council’s strategic planning process.

Extensive consultation through public workshops will be held throughout the Shire to ensure the strategies developed match community needs.

Key elements of the Maroochydore Centre Development Plan include the setting of maximum height limits for developments, the provision of an open space network, prominent gateways to mark the entrance to the Maroochydore Centre, display of art in public spaces, integrated transport facilities and better pedestrian linkages across major roads.

For further information contact CEO Geoff Adamson (07) 5441 8211.