Associations join in move for self regulation

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) have established a joint Working Party to address the issue of self regulation.

Chaired by Councillor Sam De Gabrielle, the Working Party aims to achieve a situation where the highest standards of governance will prevail across Councils in Victoria, and mutual support would pre empt the development of significant governance problems.

Speaking at a recent State Forum, MAV President, Councillor Noel Bates, said that it was vital to have a facilitator and protector acting as a circuit breaker between the State Government and a particular Council to resolve any problems. He called for a code of practice and peer review instead of State Government intervention.

Delegates at the Forum supported a motion to establish a Local Government peer review self regulation board, comprising members of MAV and VLGA, a code of best practice for Councils and an appropriate structure and procedure that has the support of all Councils and the State Government.

“Time is of the essence to take the agenda back from the State Government,” Noel Bates said. “Now half way to the next State election, we must get back control and our rightful place in the partnership.”

He added that the Minister for Local Government, Rob Maclellan, has indicated a willingness to consider the matter of self regulation.