National Assembly takes on the big issues

The 4th National General Assembly of Local Government once again will provide a national profile for Local Government as representatives of Councils across the country come together to debate key issues. To be staged in Canberra from 23-26 November, this year’s Assembly also marks the Australian Local Government Association’s 50th Anniversary.

Special forums on tax reform, including potential implications for Local Government; a draft National Strategy for Waste Minimisation; and a new national policy on Regional Development, calling for more positive steps to assist rural and regional Australia, will all be presented. The Assembly also features a range of prominent national and international speakers.

Federal politicians include Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer; Minister for Environment, Senator Robert Hill; recently appointed Minister for Transport and Regional Development, Mark Vaile; Shadow Minister for Local Government, Belinda Neal; and Democrats Spokesperson, Senator Lyn Allison.

Describing the agenda as ‘very meaty’, ALGA President, Councillor John Campbell, said that with matters such as taxation reform it is vital Local Government is sitting at the table when these issues are being decided.

“Local Government’s revenue position must be fully protected, particularly in the area of property tax,” he said.

John Campbell added that Local Government’s agreement on National Competition Policy based on Financial Assistance Grants continuing to grow was reneged on in the last Federal Budget. ALGA will continue to push for a return to the original agreement through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Another important feature of the Assembly will be the tabling and debating of a draft ‘Declaration of the Role of Local Government’.

“Although we are diverse, at the same time, it is vital that the core elements of what Local Government does across the nation are clearly established,” John Campbell said.

Reports on Local Constitutional Conventions, already staged by Councils across Australia, will be presented, and how the case for Constitutional Recognition of Local Government should now be pursued will also be decided.

For further information contact the Assembly Office, telephone (02) 2281 6624.