Focus on the future – President’s comment

LGNSW President Keith Rhoades, AFSM

After a significant period of upheaval, all parts of the New South Wales local government sector are again focussing on the future and how best to deliver infrastructure and services to the community.
The September 9 elections for 46 of the State’s remaining 128 councils not only completed the delayed electoral cycle but have ushered in a new era for NSW councils, councillors and council staff.
A new era needs a new approach, and throughout our communities there is a growing recognition that local government is about a great deal more than ‘roads, rates and rubbish.’

NSW councils employ about 45,000 staff, and have an annual spend of $10 billion.

Modern councillors not only represent their communities but also work with professional staff to help govern multi-million-dollar businesses.

Our councils are firmly forward-focussed and committed to delivering the highest standards of accountability and professionalism to the communities they serve.

To support the sector, LGNSW has developed a Local Government Capability Framework to articulate a clear and consistent approach to developing and managing the people of our sector.

In a world first, the Local Government Capability Framework sets out the core capabilities expected of elected members and local government employees in NSW.

Designed in close collaboration with LGNSW members, the Framework drills down to the very foundations of local government to assist with workforce planning; structure and role development; recruitment; performance management; and professional development.

The NSW Local Government Capability Framework will not only support the current generation of local government leaders, but also help grow the next.

In the coming months LGNSW will continue working with council stakeholders to develop a range of additional tools and resources.
These include an implementation and change management guide; online position description builder; recruitment and selection guide; performance management guide and template; a workforce-planning guide; and a professional development resource for elected members.

The Framework is currently available on LGNSW’s website, and implementation tools and resources should be available later this year.