Goodbye after 43 years

Ray Scharf (centre) farewells fellow Isaac staff.

Isaac Regional Council in Queensland recently farewelled an employee who has served the community for more than four decades.

Ray Scharf, who dedicated most of his life to serving Isaac communities, has retired after 43 years of service.

Working as a labourer and handy man, Mr Scharf said helping build Isaac through his work in construction and repair is among his proudest moments in his Council career.

“Being part of moving the region forward and seeing all the buildings and facilities that I have helped build and maintain is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life,” Mr Scharf said.

“I chose to work for Council because they supported me with my hearing impairment.

“It is a great benefit to work for an organisation that supports you in both the good and hard times.”

Isaac Regional Council Mayor Anne Baker and Chief Executive Officer Gary Stevenson PSM paid tribute to Mr Scharf during an intimate gathering in Clermont recently.

Mr Stevenson shared sentiments about the value that long-serving employees offer to Council.

“We couldn’t strive to achieve our vision, mission and values without amazing employees like Ray,” he said.

“We wish Ray all the best in his next chapter, we will miss his loyalty and dedication over the years.”

Council offers a range of career and employment opportunities for school leavers, professionals and trades-people at family friendly locations throughout the region.