Regional youth have a say

Nathan Hull with young residents of the Lockhart Shire.

Lockhart Shire Council in the Riverina area of New South Wales is doing the groundwork to establish a youth-led Youth Advisory Committee in the region.

The Shire’s Operation, Connect Engage, Implement Project has been undertaken with the assistance of renowned Youth Motivational Speaker and Teen Coach, Nathan Hull.

Mr Hull has a very engaging and entertaining style and connects with youth with humour and relevant stories of his own teenage years.  
Mr Hull visited the Lockhart Shire three times this year, guiding and mentoring young people in the Shire towards the establishment of a Youth Advisory Committee.  

Day one was held in February with Mr Hull speaking at the local Lockhart and The Rock Central Schools to generate interest in creating a Youth Advisory Committee.

Day two was held in April and was a full-day forum with over 40 young people from schools in the Shire attending to listen to Mr Hull and to also partake in a number of practical workshops.

The workshops included 7 Keys to Awesomeness (Practical Self Leadership Workshop), and Wake Up and Dream (Vision and Goal Setting Workshop + Leadership Initiative Activities).

The day also included a facilitated discussion on the questions: ‘What do young people love about the Lockhart Shire? ‘What are the biggest challenges young people face?’; and ‘How can they be a part of the solution?’

Lockhart Shire Mayor Rodger Schirmer and General Manager Peter Veneris dropped in during the workshop and were impressed with the range of issues being raised and discussed by the young participants.  
“The types of issues raised reflected a degree of maturity that was encouraging given that these young people are the community’s next generation of leaders,” said the Mayor.

Day three was held at the end of July and comprised a full day of training with Nathan Hull about the establishment and branding of the Lockhart Shire Youth Advisory Committee.