Smart cities join forces

Representatives from Jaipur and Adelaide.

The City of Adelaide has partnered with the city of Jaipur in India to investigate digital solutions for local problems.

Representatives from the Jaipur Development Authority visited Adelaide recently to further Smart City collaborative opportunities.
Both cities have the status of international Cisco smart lighthouse cities and the partnership now provides open opportunities for entrepreneurial communities in both cities and through the Cisco Smart+Connected Digital Platform for future international trade in the digital economy, whilst sharing City to City knowledge.
City of Adelaide participated in last year’s State Government Business Mission and met with the leaders of Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai municipal corporations to discuss bilateral collaborative opportunities.

One of the outcomes of this mission was entering a Statement of Intent to collaborate with Jaipur Development Authority being signed as a first step.

The key themes of City of Adelaide’s new Strategic Plan 2016–2020 ‘Smart and Green’ strongly align with these Indian City aspirations.
Following a series of information sharing sessions, mutually beneficial projects will be identified involving local start-ups to assist solve Jaipur City’s challenges using emerging technology solutions grown in Adelaide.

Councillor Natasha Malani said she was excited that two Cisco Global Lighthouse cities have officially entered a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate and share knowledge, expertise and knowledge on their smart city agendas.

“This is the next step in building a prosperous relationship between our two cities that will deliver real benefits for our respective communities,” Cr Malani said.

“The benefits include better city services through leveraging technology and innovation, enhanced channels to international markets for our innovation and start up community, and a fast track to develop new technology and services through the sharing of our learnings.”