Local leaders head to climate conference

A delegation of local government leaders from Australia will attend the UN Climate Conference, COP23, in Bonn in mid-November. 

Following the historic climate agreement achieved in the ‘Paris COP’ in December 2015, the annual conferences are now focusing on implementation of the national commitments to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change impacts.  

For the first time, the critical role of sub-national governments, including local governments, was recognised in the Paris Agreement.  
ICLEI Oceania has organised a program of meetings at COP23 to build further support for this role.  

This international ICLEI event ‘Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders’, is hosted by the Mayor of Bonn, on Sunday 12 November.  
Outgoing Chair of ICLEI Oceania, Councillor Cathy Oke of the City of Melbourne, will be MC for the Summit.  

ICLEI Oceania will be providing information sessions on the outcomes of the Climate Summit in late November and December.  

For more information go to website: oceania.iclei.org