New accommodation to boost tourism

Lockyer Valley Regional Council in Queensland is committed to creating economic development opportunities and is boosting accommodation options in the area.

Council has partnered with one of Australia’s largest developers Katarzyna Group to bring to life a $20 million backpacker and farm worker accommodation complex for Grantham.
Mayor Tanya Milligan said Council had long supported a facility that could provide quality and safe accommodation for the influx of seasonal workers.

“The Lockyer Valley produces more than 100,000 tonnes of fresh produce each year so a facility of this nature is vital for the longevity of our region’s seasonal workforce,” Mayor Milligan said.
Once completed, the 75-acre complex will cater for more than 600 workers.

In major boost for tourism in the region, the Lockyer Valley is now home to an RV Park.

Mayor Milligan said the accomplishment now meant Gatton could boast the title of an ‘RV Friendly Town’.

“We are all about promoting our wonderful region as a tourism destination and to have an RV Park in Gatton is a major step towards further achieving that goal,” she said.

With 620,000 registered RV’s in Australia, RV tourism is a major contributor to the economy and the Lockyer Valley can now tap into that market.

“The rise of the grey-nomad has led to a massive surge in the RV Park industry and as long as people travel long distances, they will always need somewhere to stop and rest.  

“For the Lockyer Valley to be a competitive tourism location, we need a range of overnight accommodation options to cater for the diverse needs of the travelling public.

“There will no doubt be flow-on effects for the local business economy as a result of the increased traffic this facility will bring.”

Gatton is one of 315 towns across Australia with an ‘RV Friendly Town’ status.

“Tourism knows no boundaries and we are pleased to be cementing our relationships with neighbouring councils as a way of cross-promoting what we have to offer here in the Lockyer Valley,” Mayor Milligan said.