A series of up-cycling art workshops, hosted by Tea Tree Gully Council, demonstrated how everyday plastics can be transformed into an array of imaginative artworks.
South Australian visual artist and designer Annabelle Collett led the workshops, which explored the perceptions of ‘what is waste’ and the creative use of materials.
Plastics used included lids, old toys, broken jewellery, dumped containers and implements.
They were fashioned into bold and vibrant, creative environmental sustainable statements, highlighting the aesthetic and imaginative potential of plastic waste.
The colourful and imaginative wall installation, exhibited at the Golden Grove Recreation and Arts Centre, was launched earlier this year with a keynote address by Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB) Director John Phillips OAM.
Some of Council’s own up-cycling activities include repurposed astro-turf at recreation reserves, extensive water and wastewater recycling for use on reserves and sporting fields, re-use of crushed bitumen for paths, and the use of recycled plastic furniture.