LGA asks state government to

Councils in South Australia (SA) are urging the Liberal Party to drop its rate capping policy and work with the Local Government Association (LGA) on sensible reforms for councils and communities.

Speaking before the LGA’s 2017 annual conference and AGM last week, Nick Xenophon (SA Best), Robert Brokenshire MLC (Australian Conservatives), Kelly Vincent MLC (Dignity Party) and Mark Parnell MLC (Greens SA) all confirmed their parties would oppose the introduction of rate capping in South Australia.

The SA Labor Party has also confirmed its opposition to rate capping.

LGASA President Lorraine Rosenberg said the LGA would provide all political parties with a road map for local government reform well ahead of the 2018 state election.

“Our sector has a strong a record of driving its own reform agenda in order to be the most efficient sphere of government,” Mayor Rosenberg said.

“We are serious about getting better, and we are canvassing reforms for the sector with our members.

“Both rate capping and forced amalgamations have hurt communities interstate, and we don’t want to see them introduced here.

“Councils collect just four per cent of taxation in Australia, and provide literally hundreds of facilities and services to their communities.

“We are keen to advance our sector, and work as partners in government to realise the uncapped potential of South Australia.”