Local graduates recognised at local ceremony

Former Barunga CDP Coordinator Sommer Meadows and the Batchelor Institute’s Director of Arts and Humanities Evelyn Schaber congratulate CDP participant Robert Blitner at the graduation ceremony.

Roper Gulf Regional Council awarded work-ready qualifications to the Northern Territory’s latest Community Development Program (CDP) graduates at an official ceremony in Barunga last month.

The 24 locals were awarded formal qualifications by the Batchelor Institute, after completing study units through the Commonwealth-funded CDP program.  Under the guidance of Council staff, participants developed construction and machinery skills while working on a range of community projects – including restoration of a historic steam tractor, footpath installation, scaffolding and park upgrades.

Several participants received multiple certificates on the day, and a number have since found employment related to their studies.
CDP Regional Manager Janelle Iszlaub said it was pleasing to see such a large group of locals being recognised for their hard work and dedication.  

“This is one of the biggest groups to graduate through the program in recent times and everyone taking part today were really excited about the event,” she said.

“To see this group receive a nationally-recognised qualification is so rewarding, because it really boosts their future employment prospects.”

Batchelor Institute Senior Lecturer Alvin Tan has been supervising the students for the past five months, and said there was a high level of enthusiasm among the group.

“Their confidence has grown too, before they were not wanting to sit on those machines, but now they are more confident. They can now get a job anywhere they want.”