Taking charge in Local Government

Layne Beachley is among the high profile speakers at this year’s event

The 2018 LGPro annual conference will be held on 21-22 February at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The theme for 2018 is “Taking Charge” and will focus on how a continually changing environment is requiring leaders in Local Government to stand up now more than ever to meet the challenges faced by councils. “Taking Charge” will explore how officers at all levels can become a leader within their team and their community.

The conference will start with six ‘Workshops with a Local Government Focus’, each presented by sector leaders and subject matter experts. They will cover a variety of topics relevant to Local Government and will provide officers the chance to develop and enhance new skills that can be directly integrated back into their workplace.

On Thursday, there will be a full day program featuring:

  • three inspiring keynote speakers – Layne Beachley, Ben Peacock and Rebecca Scott
  • four short talk presenters – Lisa Griffiths, Madeleine Buchner, Adam McKay and Keith Greaves
  • a career workshop presentation with Brett de Hoedt
    a presentation by LGPro’s 2017 Emerging Leaders Program participants
  • feature session ‘Have You Been Paying Attention?’ for officers to challenge the knowledge of council CEOs in a fun quiz format and
  • annual conference dinner including the presentation of the 2018 Awards for Excellence.

For more information and registration options, visit 2018 LGPro Annual Conference or phone (03) 9268 6400. #LGPRO18
