Cycle club on track

Gus Dawson and Mathew Gilbert with Mayor of Dubbo Region Ben Shields at the meeting on Monday night

Dubbo Regional Council has formed a new Working Party to oversee the town’s development of the new cycling facility.

Mayor of Dubbo Region, Ben Shields, is adamant that funding be sought to support the Club’s goals.

“The formation of this working party is an important step in ensuring that the cycling community are active participants in the decision making process regarding cycling facilities in the future.

“The Working Party includes council staff, councillors and representatives of the Dubbo Cycling Club and Cycle NSW who will work together to establish priorities which can be used for a concept plan in the first instance.

The mayor said that these concepts could then be further developed into a Master Plan to identify future projects for grant submissions.

“As well as prioritising the existing funding, the main focus of the Working Party will be to establish a process for funding the Master Plan in its entirety.

“The Dubbo Cycle Club has a 130 year history of success and as Mayor of the Dubbo Region I am committed to supporting and protecting this integral element of Dubbo’s sporting community,” he said.