Young people have their say

Golden Plains Shire has received $120,000 to invest in the region’s youth through the Victorian Government’s Engage! 2018-20 program.

Mayor of Golden Plains Shire Council, Helena Kirby, said that it will be an amazing opportunity for Golden Plains’ young people to shine.

“Council is grateful for this investment in our youth; it’s so important for young people in regional areas to have the chance to grow and develop these important life skills outside the school environment.”

Member for Buninyong, Geoff Howard, said funding has been approved for Golden Plans Shire Council for the Connections & Pathway Program.

“The program will engage with young people aged 12 to 25 from the Golden Plains Shire to increase skills, networks and leadership opportunities as a pathway to active participation in community and work-life.

“Young people involved will have a key role in developing projects within the program to ensure they have their say in the decisions that affect their lives.

“By working with other young people to gain hands-on experiences, participants will gain confidence and skills which will help them achieve their goals and to become involved in our community.”

Engage! is part of the Government’s Youth Policy: Building stronger youth engagement which develops opportunities for young people to build better connections within their communities.

The Youth Policy also supports young people to have their say and participate in decision-making on government policy and practices.
107 projects from across the State have shared in $12.3 million as part of the Engage! 2018-20 program.

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