Online portal promotes local jobs

Liam Alder, Alisha Faulkner from yourtown and Belinda Polglase from All Purpose Transport at Berrinba. All Purpose Transport is a great supporter of, and employing Logan locals. Liam was the first Queenslander to complete a new national Transition to Work intern program, securing full-time employment at the transport and logistics company.

An online jobs portal run by the City of Logan in Queensland is registering high user engagement and finding local people local jobs.

Since its launch in May 2017, has been linking local jobseekers with local employers and helping people in the City of Logan work closer to home.

The portal reached over 3000 registered users in December.
The Council’s City Image Committee Chairperson, Councillor Laurie Smith, said the types of jobs most featured on the site reflected employment sector trends in the city.

“We’re noticing a large volume of jobs coming through for health and aged care, transport and logistics, manufacturing, construction and early years education, which are our leading and emerging employment sectors,” Cr Smith said.

“Based on recently released employment projections by the Australian Government, these types of jobs will continue to increase in Logan over the next five years, as part of the 8,000 new jobs expected for our city.

“The greatest growth will be in construction, health care, and transport. That gives jobseekers, especially school leavers, an idea of where jobs are likely to be in the future – and gives them the ability and opportunity to find those jobs.”

Meanwhile, the Logan Jobs Facebook page also continues to grow in popularity, with a single post in October (advertising multiple factory worker roles at a Browns Plains plant) reaching more than 4400 people.

“Interestingly, the Facebook platform seems particularly well used by people helping friends and family find job opportunities locally, which is great to see,” Cr Smith said.

As well as promoting a sample of positions advertised on the Logan Jobs website, the Logan Jobs Facebook page links to articles on a range of useful topics, including helping teens finds school holiday work, and the recent opening of a new skills training centre in Yarrabilba.

As of November, the Facebook page is also listing training opportunities available in Logan (delivered by registered and group training organisations).

Cr Smith encouraged jobseekers and employers who hadn’t used the site to check it out.

“We’ve been pleased to see the growth in popularity and use of the Logan Jobs online resources and are always keen to hear from locals who have found success as a result of using the site,” he said.