Safety – ‘Every Time’

Building a culture of safety that is driven from within.

City of Holdfast Bay CEO Justin Lynch says workplace health and safety (WHS) awareness has become an integral part of the South Australian coastal council’s culture – thanks to an innovative internal engagement campaign.

“Today’s stringent WHS requirements can be seen by staff as complex, time-consuming, annoying and unnecessary, so it was vital to find ways to change that mindset and engage everyone in upholding a culture of safety,” Mr Lynch said.

“Our ultimate goal was to reduce incidents and injuries. To do that, we had to ensure that WHS was a priority in the minds of all staff.”  
The council started the staff engagement process in mid-2016 with a ‘Shark Tank’-style competition, where teams of staff developed and pitched new WHS brand concepts.

Designed by staff for staff, the winning concept was both innovative and simple: consider safety Every Time.

Following honing and development, the Every Time logo and campaign was launched in August 2016. Every Time merchandise (including posters, key rings, stickers, note pads and corporate uniforms) is now provided in a welcome kit for new employees.
Mr Lynch says the council’s hazards and incidents have reduced since Every Time was introduced.

“Every Time has been a real success story for us. We’ve seen reduced hazards and injuries, and an increased level of awareness and engagement right across our council, which we continue to measure.

“The strategy drove a sense of fun and camaraderie between teams and introduced a new way for staff to think about workplace health and safety.

“In addition to Every Time’s application internally, it has the potential to be extended into external settings, including community events.

“The main key to the success of this strategy was the whole of council working together to build a culture of safety.  

“We will continue to work together to build on the strategy to ensure the level of WHS engagement, education and awareness remains high, and our staff all go home to their families safe and healthy … Every Time.”