Provoking talk

An innovative way to get the community disaster ready.

Fraser Coast Council is provoking residents to talk about disaster management and to have a plan of action for what-if natural disaster strikes.

Disaster Management Portfolio Councillor, Rolf Light, said, “Summer is the season when everyone should be having conversations around their ‘What-If Plans’.

“Checking your What-If Plan should be an annual activity at this time of year.

“By branding a Council car, we hope to prompt people to start conversations with their family, friends and community about their disaster management plans, which could save their lives.”

Cr Light said the early response to the car’s branding was encouraging.

“Numerous people have already been seen at street lights pointing to the car. Hopefully the occupants are talking about having a What-If Plan. If you spot the car around the region, throw them a thumbs up that you have a What-If Plan.”

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has funded the project under the State Government’s Get Ready initiative, which assists local councils in promoting community resilience activities.

Cr Light said Fraser Coast Council’s Disaster Management team had been busy since October, running forums and community discussions, attending market days and developing resilience strategies.

“The team’s other exciting project is the new Disaster Dashboard, which provides the community with a one-stop shop of information when severe weather or disaster events occur.

“Instead of searching multiple websites to gain information, the dashboard will capture all the relevant feeds to the one site, enabling people to make informed decisions more efficiently. The dashboard should be up and running after initial testing by the end of February.”