High-tech saleyards lead the way

Investment in technology now ensures the saleyard remain viable into the future.

Southern Grampians Shire Council, Victoria, has given the go ahead for Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) readers to be installed at the Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange.

The Mayor and CEO awarded the works under delegation due to the limited time for procurement of the infrastructure to meet the legislated implementation date of 31 March.

Council was successful in securing funding for the project implementation through the State Government up to a maximum of $460,080 under the Electronic National Livestock Implementation Scheme (Sheep & Goats) transition package Saleyards – phase 2 program.

Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Mary-Ann Brown thanked the Victorian Government for this significant investment into the Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange, saying it is a major boost for the region.

“The Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange is the first in the country to receive funding for RFID installation and we thank the State Government for their investment. We are proud to be leading the way with electronic identification device (EID) technology. In doing so, we are ensuring the long-term viability of our saleyards, which are such an important asset to our region.

“The Hamilton saleyards process almost one million sheep each and every year – making it one of the largest in the state. Our redevelopment project is also nearly complete and with an investment of approximately $6.6 million we have created the premier livestock selling facility in South West Victoria.”

The State Government introduced legislation in 2016 to make it compulsory for sheep and goats to be ear tagged and agents are required to ensure scanning and reporting on these tagged animals at livestock exchanges. As such, Council is required to install infrastructure by 31 March 2018 to enable the agents to meet their obligations.