IT equipment donated to U3A

Mayor John Mortimore and Knox U3A President, Stephen Damm. Photo provided courtesy of Knox City Council.

City of Knox has gifted the local University of the third age (U3A) some surplus Information Technology (IT) equipment.

Around 60 monitors, laptops and desktops are surplus to Council’s requirements and will be donated for the benefit of educators and members.

Mayor, John Mortimore, said, “Knox U3A provide a wonderful service to our community, and Council is pleased to support them with the donation of this surplus IT equipment.

“While surplus to Council’s needs, these laptops are in good condition and, as such, we wanted to make them available for wider community use and benefit.”

Knox U3A President, Stephen Damm, thanked Council for the donation and said the laptops would be a valuable new learning resource.

“As a volunteer-based organisation we don’t have the resources to just go out and purchase these new or even second hand laptops, so we really appreciate Council’s gesture in donating this equipment.

“They’ll have a range of uses and applications across a whole host of courses and I know our tutors and members can’t wait to start using them.”

The Mayor said the donation of equipment by Council is not a regular occurrence but when it does, Council prefers to support the activities of community-based or volunteer organisations in Knox.

“The bottom line for Council is that donations of equipment like this delivers a benefit to the broader Knox community and I think we’ve done just that in this case.”