13-15 June
International Convention Centre, Sydney
This biennial event includes the southern hemisphere’s largest irrigation conference with more than 80 local and international speakers.
At the 2018 Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition, irrigators have a unique opportunity to hear how Australia’s largest private environmental and irrigation water-delivery company, Murray Irrigation, transformed itself from infrastructure dating to the 1930s and 1940s, into being one of the world’s most advanced water-delivery systems.
One of the speakers at the renowned event is Chief Executive Officer of Murray Irrigation, Michael Renehan, who will talk about the biggest asset-renewal project in the area for 50 years, worth more than $200 million.
Mr Renehan’s presentation, “Murray Irrigation: kicking environmental goals with our irrigation network”, will highlight the organisation’s journey to modernisation, including investment, and infrastructure detail regarding regulators, automatic and remote-controlled outlets installed and upgraded. He will also look at the industry-leading Rubicon outlets used that can measure within an accuracy of +/- five percent.
One of the areas Mr Renehan will cover is the importance of Murray Irrigation’s involvement with Round 2 of the Commonwealth’s Private Irrigation Infrastructure Operators Program (PIIOP).
“Any initiative that helps drive efficiency and sustainability is vital in our industry. The PIIOP Round 2 modernises our network, adds to efficiency and reduces system water losses.”
Mr Renehan’s presentation will detail benefits to customers, such as changes to water-order flexibility and increased flow rates on-farm, and benefits to the company including infrastructure, system efficiency-driven water savings and accurate metering.
“Over the next decade, further improvements and investment in irrigation infrastructure and on-farm technology will be made. Irrigation companies will be operating fully automated systems, where customers have the ability to self-service. There will also be a shift in labour and skill sets, as businesses become leaner as technology drives further efficiencies.”
Irrigators can hear more about Murray Irrigation’s journey to modernisation and becoming one of the world’s most advanced water-delivery systems at the 2018 Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition.
Registrations for both the conference and the free exhibition are now open.
To register or for more information, please visit: iaice.com.au
*Copy supplied by Irrigation Australia