ACCC re-authorises the Tyre Stewardship Scheme

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has announced that it will grant the Tyre Stewardship Scheme, administered by Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) a new authorisation for a further six years.

Tyre Stewardship Australia was established in 2013 as an industry cooperative scheme, with the support of State and Federal Governments. The initial five-year ACCC authorisation allowed the TSS the ability to fund its operations through the application of a 25 cent per EPU (Equivalent Passenger Unit) consumer levy.

In reaching its determination the ACCC considered the progress of the voluntary scheme and the impact that TSA has been able to make in education, of both industry and consumers, relating to the need to sustainably manage the 56 million EPUs Australia generates each year.

The potential public benefits offered by the scheme were also specifically addressed in the determination.

“The ACCC also considers it is likely that public benefit will be generated through the research and development financed by Scheme levy funds. In particular, the ACCC considers that TSA’s proposed research and development, coupled with its industry and public awareness activities, could assist in developing industry recognition of the commercial value of end of life tyres and identify potential markets for tyre derived products.”

In welcoming the ACCC determination, TSA Chairman, David Spear, acknowledged the input of the redetermination process in helping to refine TSA future objectives.

“Tyre Stewardship Australia are pleased by the ACCC determination and new authorisation of the Tyre Stewardship Scheme, which commences from June 15.

“It recognises the value the TSS has been able to deliver and the work that TSA has done to set-up future improvements in the sustainable management of end-of-life tyres.

“We have welcomed and valued the input from the many interested parties and look forward to progressing TSA’s future objectives.”
TSA Chief Executive Officer, Dale Gilson, added, “The amendments in the reauthorisation, notably the increased flexibility to the structure of the fund program and the greater capability for managing non-compliance will both enable TSA to more effectively realise the desired outcomes of the Tyre Stewardship Scheme.”

The ACCC’s determination will come into force as a new authorisation on 15 June 2018.