The smart war on waste

Second Valley’s very smart bin.

The District Council of Yankalilla, an hour south of Adelaide, recently combined their war on waste campaign with Smart City innovation with the installation of their first Smart Bin Clean Cube at Second Valley. 

One of Australia’s top ten beaches is now one of the smartest.
The Smart Bin from Smart City Solutions will automatically monitor waste fill levels and with internal mechanisms compact the waste by pushing it down and therefore allowing the bin to hold up to 8 times more waste than a normal bin reducing collection frequencies for this remote bin collection.  

Council staff can also monitor the fill level of the bin from their smartphones or computers.

The Smart Bin will send an SMS alerts to Council’s waste collection company when the general waste bin needs to be emptied to avoid unneeded trips.

An SMS also alerts local community groups when recycling is available to collect and cash in on the 10c container deposit scheme on cans and bottles running in South Australia.

The Smart Bin of course will recharge its own batteries by solar energy.

The Bin will even supply Free Wi-Fi for the use of visitors to the beach (surf while you surf) and advertisements of Council’s local tourist attractions and events appear on the side of the bin.

Chief Executive, Nigel Morris, said, “The introduction of the Smart Bin has been a major success with reduced waste collection frequencies to the remote location and has continued our roll out of free Wi-Fi into our major townships.”