Age friendly businesses

FAB businesses wanted.

Businesses that provide goods and services to older people or people with a disability are being encouraged to join Melville Age Friendly Accessible Businesses (MAFAB) network and become a FAB business!

City of Melville Deputy Mayor, Councillor Matthew Woodall, said with one of the highest ageing populations in Western Australia, local businesses could expect to see a customer base with a growing number of older people and people with disabilities.

“Here in Melville 25 percent of our population are now over 60, compared to 19 percent in the greater Perth region, 3.3 percent of our residents are aged over 85 compared to 1.8 percent in the wider Perth region and one in five people live with a disability.

Cr Woodall said the City had been working with local businesses for two years to provide a supportive, inclusive environment for all customers.

“What we have learnt over the last couple of years from our member businesses, is when people have a comfortable and respectful experience they are more likely to visit the business more often and recommend it to others.

“An accessible business welcomes older customers and those living with a disability, and adapts to this fast growing and economically powerful customer base.”

“AMP and retail businesses in Garden City have been the focus for MAFAB as we have developed the initiative, and we are pleased to now expand the network to our broader business community in conjunction with the launch of some fantastic additional resources for the MAFAB network.”

The City of Melville was the first Local Government in Western Australia to join the World Health Organisation (WHO) Age-Friendly Global Network in 2010, further reinforcing its commitment to creating an inclusive and accessible environment for
people of all ages.