A chance for a new Act

More than 200 representatives from Local Government yesterday joined together to help plan the sector’s future in Western Australia (WA).

The Future of Local Government Forum was a collaboration between the WA Local Government Association (WALGA), Local Government Professionals and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Opened by WALGA President Councillor Lynne Craigie, the forum was attended by 230 representatives from the sector and included presentations by the Local Government Minister and local, interstate and international speakers.

Cr Craigie said the forum sessions were largely interactive to help stimulate new ideas and creative thinking to contribute to the process of the Local Government Act review that has been underway for the past 12 months.

“We have an opportunity to create a new Local Government Act and not just an updated version of the 1995 legislation.

“The sector has enjoyed a very positive relationship with the McGowan Government and in particular the Local Government Minister, not the least of which has been demonstrated in their willingness to consult with the sector on the changes to the Act.”