When it rains it pours

Local councils have called on Queenslanders to show their support for communities affected by floods in north Queensland by donating money to charities helping people recover from the disaster.

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) today donated a total of $20,000 to the four organisations partnering to assist in the disaster – The Australian Red Cross Society, UnitingCare, Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland.

LGAQ President and Sunshine Coast Mayor, Mark Jamieson, said the full extent of the damage from the flood crisis was still emerging.

“But it’s clear that communities in north Queensland will need an enormous amount of assistance to recover.

“Queenslanders naturally give each other a helping hand in times like these and their generosity in the wake of these floods will go a long way to ensuring the people hit by this disaster can get their lives back on track as soon as possible.”