Checking website fit for purpose

Hobsons Bay City Council, Victoria, will soon launch a new website and is calling on the community to help check its accessibility, structure, menu and usability to ensure it meets their needs.

Co chair of the Smart Cities Portfolio Advisory Committee, Councillor Angela Altair, said Council officers had done extensive research and usability testing with local people to capture their needs for the new website.

“The website’s structure has been built on what our residents have told us, as well as best practice customer first principles. Now it’s time for the Hobsons Bay community to tell us if we got it right.

Co chair of the Smart Cities Portfolio Advisory Committee, Councillor Peter Hemphill, said, “Through our Digital Strategy consultation, our community clearly told us they want Council to use digital technology to provide more information and services online that are simple, easy to use, fast and automatic.

“They also want their interactions with Council to be convenient and accessible, with higher levels of self-service.

“Gone are the days of only transacting with government and businesses at the customer service counter during business hours – people want to use their laptops and smart phones at times that are
convenient to them.

“Our new website has been structured with all this in mind, to meet our community’s need for greater choices and the expectation that their council is available 24/7.”

Cr Hemphill said the new website will be launched just weeks after Council started live streaming its Ordinary Council Meetings on its website.

“Both these steps forward are examples of Council striving to meet community expectations to provide more information and services online to improve our access, efficiency and delivery to our community.”