Call for Nature Stewards

City of Melton, Victoria, is encouraging residents to discover more about their local environment by participating in a new pilot program run by Outdoors Victoria.

The 10-week Nature Stewards program is an opportunity to meet others, connect with nature and find ways to get outdoors and volunteer.

Nature Stewards will introduce participants to local and wider Victorian ecosystems and natural places, and will cover topics such as plants and animals; rocks and soils; climate and seasons.

The program is open to anyone over the age of 18 and living in the City of Melton.

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Lara Carli encouraged residents to participate in the program.

“If your New Year’s resolution involves spending more time with nature, then the Nature Stewards program is the perfect opportunity to make it a reality.

“We know that the natural environment is very important to City of Melton residents.

“To help them learn more about it, Council is pleased to offer a 50 percent subsidy on the pilot program fees.

Locals will ‘discover the wonder of their own backyard’ by participating in this exciting program.