Opening doors for skilled refugees

Mr Bulos, City of Sydney’s second intern, has gained valuable local industry experience and job support; pictured with the Lord Mayor.

Nader Bulos fled war-torn Syria for Australia with his family two years ago and credits a CareerSeekers program hosted at the City of Sydney for helping kick-start his new life.

An internship with the City’s projects and properties team has allowed Mr Bulos to gain valuable local experience, skills and contacts to help him restart his career in Australia.

The City offers work experience and training as part of its support for the not-for-profit CareerSeekers New Australian Internship Program, which promotes opportunities for newly arrived refugee job seekers.

Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, said that the City is proud to partner with CareerSeekers to support refugees settle into their new life in Australia in the best possible way – by finding meaningful employment.

“What newly arrived refugees need is practical help to overcome the obstacles they face restarting their lives in a new country with a different language, culture and employment requirements.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights articulates an aspirational framework that the City’s internship program helps make an everyday reality for individual refugees.

CareerSeekers was established in 2015 with the aim of helping new arrivals to Australia settle faster by helping them reestablish their careers.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CareerSeekers, Michael Combs, said, “New arrivals struggle to find professional employment as they don’t have local work experience, a professional network or job referees.

“An internship is an easy way to remove these barriers, and the City of Sydney is making a commitment to play its part in helping make our city a welcoming and prosperous environment.”

As the UN Declaration of Human Rights approaches its 70th anniversary, the City is boosting its partnership with the program, offering financial and in-kind support and continuing its internship program.