City of Glen Eira, Victoria, has commenced a project to install approximately 3,000 high performance and energy efficient LED streetlights.
The project, to be completed in two stages, will reduce energy use and costs and improve safety.
Stage one will see approximately 1,300, Council-funded lights installed by the end of April.
Council is seeking co-funding from the State Government to proceed with stage two — the upgrade of 1,700 lights that are cost-shared with VicRoads.
Mayor, Jamie Hyams, said the new LED lights perform better, last longer and are between 31 and 72 percent more efficient than the existing lights depending on their wattage. The lights will also improve safety as they are more reliable and will provide for more constant light levels over time.
“Glen Eira was one of the first councils in Australia to change its residential streetlights to energy efficient alternatives and is again leading councils nationwide on major roads.
“When both stages are completed, this project is expected to drastically reduce streetlighting energy use and costs, with approximately $4 million in energy and capital costs to be saved over the lifetime of the assets (to 2038).
“The project will reduce Council’s streetlighting greenhouse gas emissions by around 17,500 tonnes. This is equivalent to removing 200 cars from the road each year for the next 20 years.”
As part of the project, Council is taking part in a smart lighting trial with United Energy. This trial is the first of its kind in Australia and will enable dimming and automatic fault reporting.