City of Cockburn, Western Australia, has completed the $8.5 million duplication of a section of one of the city’s most important east-west connector roads, improving safety, traffic flow and reducing congestion through the Bibra Lake industrial area and Yangebup.
To complete the Spearwood Avenue duplication, the State Government provided $2.46 million, the Federal Government $2.10 million and the City of Cockburn about $4 million. An extra $657,000 was needed to cover service relocations and Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) costs.
Mayor, Logan Howlett, said the City’s partnerships with the Federal and State governments, the private sector and other local governments continued to provide opportunities for important infrastructure needs that benefitted the whole community.
Spearwood Avenue has increased from one to two lanes in either direction between Barrington Street and Beeliar Avenue in a year long project that included the vital duplication of the bridge over the rail freight line.
“Improving travel times across the city is at the forefront of our forward planning which reflects major roads works with the Armadale Road Bridge, duplication of Armadale Road and associated works that resulted from partnering with the City of Armadale.”
The local community will also benefit from greatly improved traffic flows achieved by the upcoming Karel Avenue duplication project (Farrington Road to Berrigan Drive) in a $5.5 million joint funding agreement between the City and Jandakot Airport, as part of the MRWA total project delivery cost of $30 million.
Engineering & Works Director, Charles Sullivan, said, “The City is also about to spend $8.5 million on the extension of Verde Drive and Prinsep Road to connect to the Armadale Road upgrade project (Tapper Road to Kwinana Freeway) which is a major project to be delivered by MRWA over the next few years.”