Dinosaur footprints safe with new boating facility designs

The updated concept designs for the proposed Broome Boating Facility at Entrance Point.

Shire of Broome, Western Australia, has released an updated concept design for the potential Broome Boating Facility, with the new layout ensuring there will be no impact to dinosaur footprints.

The development of a new boating facility in Broome has long been considered essential to address critical safety and access issues. The Broome Boating Facility proposal includes four ramp lanes and up to two finger jetties at Entrance Point.

A community survey in March and April was taken by 1221 people, with 74.2 percent of respondents supporting the concept.

Since then, the Shire and Department of Transport have taken on board the feedback and made changes to the design to include public open space areas, shade shelters, toilets, public artwork and interpretation opportunities, fish cleaning, fishing platforms, universal beach access and avoidance of important rock formations.

Importantly, the new concept design ensures the project will have no impact on the dinosaur footprints at Entrance Point.

Shire of Broome president Harold Tracey said compromises had been made by all stakeholders to find a solution that was workable for all parties.

“The Broome community supports this project – the survey results show that – the Shire and Department of Transport have worked closely with [native title holders] Yawuru Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) throughout the project to ensure their support.

“Also, in our recent Community Perceptions Survey, one of the priorities highlighted by community respondents was the need to improve boating facilities.

“We acknowledge the heritage, cultural and tourism importance of our amazing dinosaur footprints – the Broome Boating Facility will not impact them.

The Department of Transport is working in parallel to complete a Business case for the project, which will be used to seek funding for the facility.