Powerlines go underground to restore historic streetscape

Maldon Streetscape. Photograph credit: Gary Chapman

Powerlines will soon disappear from the central business district of Victoria’s historic gold rush era town, Maldon, marking a major milestone in the Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Maldon Streetscape Revitalisation Project.

The undergrounding of power will improve electricity network reliability, bushfire safety and views of the township along Maldon’s historic streetscapes.

The project will be divided in to multiple phases with work taking place until June 2021. Works include trenching in preparation for the new underground conduits, installation of cabinets as well as the upgrade of streetlights.

Council’s Director Infrastructure and Development, Jess Howard, said, “We know our community treasures the historic streetscapes of Maldon, and are working with members of the Maldon Streetscape Steering Committee to ensure heritage and commercial impacts are taken into consideration.

“Thank you to everyone in the community for your contribution and input into this important project so far.”

The undergrounding of power is one of three projects making up the Maldon Streetscape Revitalisation Project.

The streetscape improvement project will see the upgrade of elements such as footpaths, bins, trees, street furniture, lighting and crossovers (the bridge-like structures that allow pedestrians to cross the stone channels), whilst protecting and maintaining the essential qualities and heritage values of the area.

The third project, the shopfront restoration project, will preserve the heritage values for now and into the future.

Council is managing this community-led project with the Victorian Government contributing $4.5 million through the Crisis Committee of Cabinet – Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.