President’s comment – Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis President Local Government Association of the Northern Territory

I write to you as the newly elected President of LGANT and I thought I would take the opportunity to tell the story of the Northern Territory (NT).

Local Government Association of the Northern Territory (LGANT) is the voice of local government in the Northern Territory, representing all 17 municipal and regional councils, 67 local authorities, 66 remote communities with a physical council presence and 614 homelands with over 100 Aboriginal languages and dialects. We provide leadership, support, representation, and advocacy on behalf of our member councils for the benefit of their communities. 

Local government makes a significant contribution to the Northern Territory economy as collectively councils employ around 3000 Territorians. It is the largest employer of Indigenous people in remote and regional areas, manages and controls assets and infrastructure valued at $2.57 billion, is responsible for over 13,000 km of roads and receives and expends over $505 million in the Northern Territory annually.

The LGANT Executive has on its agenda advocacy on issues such as water security, housing, homelessness, climate change adaptation, connectivity, infrastructure funding and working with the Territory and Commonwealth governments, councils, land councils and communities to assist in the progression of closing the gap targets.

Already the Executive has discussed exploring further a LGANT marketing strategy, the development of a Reconciliation and Action Plan, the costs of delivering services to remote communities, NT Government Homelands Policy and mining, oil and gas companies engaging with local government councils as part of the approval and social licence to operate processes.

Operationally, we are working on a new constitution, the implementation of the Local Government Act 2019, options for the delivery of elected member training, for example and the Local Government 2030 Strategy which will map how the NT Government and the local government sector will work together over the next ten years. The Secretariat is also preparing for the NT Local Government elections set for 28 August 2021. Our objective is to encourage a substantial increase in enrolment, greater elected member nominations and making it easier to vote as there are over 25,000 people not on the roll and not voting.

You do not need me to describe 2020 and just how difficult a time we have all had. I will say that the local government sector can be extremely proud of its resolve, its professionalism, and the care they have all shown to each other both inside and outside the bricks and mortar of the council buildings.

You have, you are, and you will continue to make a difference as you know how important your roles are to community wellbeing which is after all, why we exist.

Make sure you look me up when you come to the NT.