New Acquisition Fund launched

Marta Balnaves, Mosman Art Gallery director John Cheeseman, Diane Balnaves, Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan, Victoria Balnaves and Hamish Balnaves at the launch of the Acquisition Fund. Photo: Jacquie Manning

Mosman Art Gallery has successfully launched a new Acquisition Fund to support the continued expansion of its acclaimed Mosman Art Collection and Mosman’s broader cultural life.

The fund’s launch also marks the 10th anniversary of The Balnaves Gift – a collection of early Australian paintings which was generously donated in 2012 by the late philanthropist and Mosman resident Neil Balnaves AO.

The Balnaves Foundation generously pledged to match donations made at the fund’s launch, which will continue Neil’s legacy by facilitating the acquisition and commissioning of works for the Mosman Art Collection.

Australian artist Imants Tillers’ major work Factum 1, 2021 is set to become the first addition to the collection to be acquired through the fund.

“The new fund will ensure we can continue acquiring and commissioning works for the Mosman Art Collection, which celebrates Mosman’s important place in Australian art history, while continuing to support local art and artists,” Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan said.

“The Mosman Art Collection is one of the most significant small collections in Australia and the fund provides a chance to selectively enhance the collection and for the community to actively contribute and take pride in the acquisition of key works for the future,” Mosman Art Gallery director John Cheeseman said.

The gallery has also expanded its Living Bequest program, with a growing honour roll of donors leaving an important legacy for current and future generations through their support of the gallery and collection.

Significant bequests have been made by long-time local residents and others from farther afield with a strong affinity to Mosman’s artistic and cultural life.

Individual donations provide much-needed support for the gallery’s artistic, education and learning programs, acquisition of new work and the ongoing preservation of the Mosman Art Collection with donations of $1000 or above gaining 12-month membership to the gallery’s Creative Circle and closer relationships with the gallery’s work.