Painting a brighter future

: Members of the Guyra and Communities Progress Association, Sonya Wallbridge, Wendy Warner, Kay Smith (mural artist), John and Barbara Ross at McKie Park, maintained by the Guyra Garden Club.

A mural conceived and delivered by the people of Guyra and community meetings with Armidale

Regional Council earlier this year were the catalyst for a group of passionate Guyra locals to form the

Guyra and Community Progress Association (GCPA).

The community meetings with Council were a chance for community members to share their ideas

with Council on how they could build a better relationship and improve advocacy on what matters to

the people of Guyra.

Mayor Sam Coupland said the meetings organised by Council created opportunities to listen to the

Guyra community’s ideas, challenges, concerns and vision for a better Guyra.

“It was a chance to put the past behind us and work together. Also sharing our vision for the region

and some of the top priorities we’ve identified for the next ten years with the main goal being

growth of our whole region,” said Mayor Coupland.

Donna Davidson is a founding member of the GCPA and said the association gives the community a

collective voice to provide representation, advice and insight to Council on what matters most to

residents and finds ways to achieve results for the whole community.

“It did all start from the pride felt in having a mural created by two well-loved locals, aboriginal elder

Brian Irving and artist Kay Smith,” said Donna

“It was Guyra! And the mural was very personal as it reflects our community. It got us all thinking

that we need to do something for our town. It was just so heartwarming during the Covid time to

see residents from the Kolora Aged care facility driven to the mural and feel so much pride in our


Donna has lived in Guyra for 32 years with her husband and three children. She has always been

interested in anything that involves the community, including working as a teacher for many years.

“We love Guyra. It has the distinct four seasons, the spectacular Mother of Duck’s Lagoon and there

are great facilities for residents with the beautiful showground, hospital, three doctors and a great

aged care facility,” said Donna

“Guyra is central to everywhere and just down the road to Armidale. There’s something that is just

special about our town and we’re very proud to call this home.

Since then we’ve formed our Association and it is all about doing something positive and we’re

working with Council to work on upgrading the highway billboards…they will reflect Guyra’s heritage

by beautifying the town with the new signage.”