Mackay invests in economic activities

The Mackay region is one of the fastest growing areas in Queensland and, to ensure the region continues to grow and prosper, the Mackay Regional Council is investing in its economic future.

Council recently resolved to continue a three-year funding agreement, of $239,000 per year, with Mackay Whitsunday Regional Economic Development Corporation (MWREDC) to conduct and deliver economic development activities for the Mackay region.

Councillor Greg Martin, who is responsible for the Tourism & Economic Development portfolio, said that it was important that Council strengthened its partnership with MWREDC to support local businesses.

“Local businesses are the life blood of our community. If they start to suffer, then our community and industries suffer through the lack of available services,” Cr Martin said.

“MWREDC is a not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to creating economic growth through stakeholder engagement, regional promotion and regional projects.”

Council’s investment in the group has delivered a range of benefits to residents and businesses in Mackay, including the successful ‘Coal to Coast’ website and the Mackay Hotel Accommodation Strategy.

The ‘Coal to Coast’ website assists local employers to attract staff by providing prospective employees with information on relocating to the Mackay region.

The Mackay Hotel Accommodation Strategy encourages developers to build hotels in the Mackay region, and several projects are underway or in the advance stages of planning.

Cr Martin said he’s looking forward to working with the MWREDC to encourage investment in the Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac regions.

“The Whitsunday and Isaac regions are our neighbours and, by joining forces, we represent a force to contend with when it comes to seeking funding for important projects in our region.”