Every hand helps

Arts and Cultural Officer Trevor Spohr and volunteer David Probyn assemble the Every Hand Helps photographic exhibition.

To coincide with National Volunteers Week (11-15 May), Fraser Coast Regional Council Mayor Gerard O’Connell has officially opened the photographic exhibition ‘Every Hand Helps’ at Gatakers Artspace.

Mayor O’Connell said that the exhibition is a celebration of the Fraser Coast region’s volunteers.

“In February this year, Council called for people to nominate volunteers they felt deserved to be recognised for the work they do in the region.

“More than 65 nominations were received which included a broad cross-section of community groups and organisations including animal welfare, sporting clubs and emergency services.”

Council’s Communication Officers Lynda Downing and Lincoln Bertoli photographed and interviewed each of the nominees to create a visual display, which is a combination of portraits and video.

A limited edition photographic book has been published and a copy has been presented to each of the volunteers in the exhibition.

Councillor for Community Resilience Rolf Light said that the exhibition was a small token of Council’s appreciation and gratitude.

“Volunteers are part of the fabric of the Fraser Coast community and their giving nature touches us all in some way.

“Without volunteers in our schools, community groups and hospitals, churches and sporting clubs, these organisations would simply cease to exist.

“I encourage everyone to come down to view the exhibition and help celebrate our quiet achievers.”

The exhibition will be on display for the rest of the month.