High school students in the Shire of Gingin are addressing youth issues through a Student Council initiative. Located in Western Australia, the Shire of Gingin covers 3,325 square kilometres and has a population in excess of 4,500.
In 2002, Council approached the Gingin District High School to develop a Student Council.
Gingin’s Executive Support Officer, Linda Fidge, said Council recognised that goal setting, self esteem, leadership, decision making and confidence building were very important aspects of youth development.
“The Student Council comprises 12 students who are voted in by their peers at the beginning of each school year,” she said. “The Electoral Commission visits the school to conduct formal voting procedures, with two students selected from each year level from grade six through to year ten. A Captain and Vice Captain are also elected.”
Linda Fidge said Council staff assist with Student Council meeting procedures and protocols, and with the mentoring and coaching of the Student Council regarding meeting agenda preparation, minute taking, letter writing, budget setting and managing small projects.
“The Student Council tackle issues of importance to young people and also develop projects and decide what to send to their sister school, Bhumeswhor Primary School in Nepal,” she said.
Along with the CEO, Council’s Executive Support Officer attends each meeting to guide discussion and ensure the meeting runs as a normal Council function.
Linda Fidge said the Student Council initiative has produced a very effective and worthwhile partnership between the Shire of Gingin, the Student Council, the local school and the community.
“Young leaders are emerging as a result of this ongoing joint project,” she said. “The Student Councillors are removed from their normal environment and placed in a more formal atmosphere, working in the Council Chambers for their bi-monthly meetings.
“This procedure has engendered a sense of professionalism and their decision making is making a real difference.”