A regional approach to reduce waste to landfill in metropolitan Adelaide

Six Councils in the southern and western region of Adelaide have come together to develop a Regional Waste Management Strategy and Plan. The region comprises the Cities of Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mitcham, Onkaparinga, Unley and West Torrens. Combined, these areas send 160,000 tonnes of waste to landfill each year.

The Regional Strategy and Plan will provide an assessment of current provisions, future opportunities and a set of strategic directives for waste management in the region. It is being developed in response to a range of pressures on Local Government to better manage waste.

While Councils in southern and western Adelaide have their own strategies and plans that deal with waste management, new targets set by the State Government will require strategic planning and collaboration on a regional level. In South Australia’s Strategic Plan, one objective is attaining sustainability with an associated target to reduce waste to landfill by 25 per cent within ten years.

In 2004, the South Australian Government passed legislation establishing Zero Waste SA as a Statutory Authority. Zero Waste facilitates a collaborative approach between State and Local Government to address waste avoidance and reduction, reuse, recycling and disposal.

The six Councils’ Regional Waste Management Strategy and Plan will address the following:

  • an assessment of current waste management provisions
  • description of factors influencing the waste strategic agenda
  • assessment of future regional waste management options.

Currently in its final stages, the Strategy and Plan was developed over a six month period in close consultation with key stakeholders and local communities.

A Project Information Desk was established to provide information and document feedback from residents and other stakeholders.

For further information contact Janet Binder, Project Manager, on 0407 796 364.