Temora Shire Council’s General Manager, Melissa Boxall has announced the results of the Mayoral Election, which was held at the Thursday, 17 October Council meeting.
Councillor Rick Firman was re-elected as Mayor and Councillor Graham Sinclair re-elected as Deputy Mayor for the next two years of the four-year term of Council. Councillors Firman and Sinclair have led the Temora Shire community together since 2012.
“I warmly thank my fellow Councillors for the confidence shown in me, by electing me as Mayor,” said Mayor Rick Firman.
“I also congratulate Deputy Mayor, Cr Sinclair on his re-election. The Deputy Mayor is an outstanding man and one I’m proud to work beside,” Mayor Firman continued.
“For me as Mayor, since serving together with Deputy Mayor Sinclair, I would have to say it is the Medical Complex construction, and the Temora pool re-development project which have been the highlights; plus, many of other projects which have helped our many Shire community groups.”
“The most significant achievement was when we worked as hard as we could, together with our (then) fellow Councillors, our staff, and Shire community to ensure we were not amalgamated with another Council. We were and remain one of the strongest Councils in rural and regional NSW and that for me remains the highlight – thus far, anyway,” said Mayor Firman.
Mayor Firman and Deputy Mayor Sinclair are joined this term by former Councillors, Cr Belinda Bushell, Cr Anthony Irvine, and Cr Nigel Judd; with Cr Ken Smith returning. Cr Smith was a Councillor from 1995, last serving in 2021.
New Councillors for this term include Cr Narelle Djukic, Cr Brenton Hawken, and Cr Paul Mahon.
“Our Shire community have given us an enormous privilege to serve as Councillors, and I congratulate all returning and newly elected Councillors to the Chamber. As Councillors and staff, we’ve achieved a great deal together, and I know this Council will continue to achieve even more during our new four-year term,” Mayor Firman said.
“Staff look forward to returning to normal operations after the election and continuing to work towards our strategic objectives. As we move into 2025, we are also developing our updated ten-year Community Strategic Plan, and four-year Delivery Program,” said Temora Shire Council’s General Manager, Ms Melissa Boxall.
The recent Community Scorecard had over 600 Temora Shire residents respond.
“This is over double what we expected to receive! Thanks to the community, it will offer us a wonderful cross-section of demographics and insights we will use to develop our strategic objectives and Council’s actions – based on what is important to and needed in our
community,” Ms Boxall said.
“We’ve got another good Council, and I know we will work well as a team. We’ve got much more to do, and I cannot wait to get back in the saddle!” concluded Mayor Firman.