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Short-term rental review welcomed

Councils have welcomed the Government's decision to review the short-term rental accommodation industry. President of Local Government NSW Cr Darriea Turley AM said councils had...

HR focus

In late 2023, Temora Shire Council and Temora Business Enterprise Group (TBEG), shared the detail of the newly released Temora Business Human Resources (HR)...

Congratulations, students

Gunnedah Shire is sending 28 young local people off on their education adventure with the support of a Gunnedah Community Scholarship. Mayor Jamie Chaffey said...

More growth for Devonport

In a significant move for the city's future, Devonport City Council has reached an agreement with Indie Education for the sale of part of...

Cairns clean up continues

Cairns Regional Council crews are ramping up their efforts to restore public areas to the level the community has come to expect. Scheduled maintenance and...

Plan welcomed by SA

LGA South Australia has welcomed the move from the Hon Frank Pangallo MLC to introduce legislation that will remove a 25-year rates holiday for...