Greater Lithgow is one of 12 Councils in NSW selected to develop a Road Safety Plan. Situated at the western gateway to Sydney, two major highways connecting Sydney to the inland and through to the West meet in Lithgow.
Heavy vehicles from the local mining industry and climatic conditions, including ice and snow contribute to poor visibility, increasing the risk for road users. With local schools fronting major roads and an increasing number of older pedestrians, Council is very concerned about road safety issues.
To help reduce high casualty figures, Council has appointed a Road Safety Officer for two years. This position is jointly funded by Council and the Road Traffic Authority. Norm Wilson, a former police officer, aims to make schools, people with disabilities and older people a key priority.
Prior to the last summer holidays, he gave talks at nine local schools and organised a competition requiring local children to point out six defects on a specially set up bicycle. A riding circuit was set up, so Norm and local police officers could instruct children on safe riding behaviour.
Other areas on Norm’s agenda include improved pedestrian safety, research into local accident statistics to identify groups most at risk, and a number of grant applications for bicycle tracks, improved urban transport infrastructure and the development of the Road Safety Plan.
For further information on this project contact, Norm Wilson telephone (063) 52 1077.